so... in order to get a shop up and running i need money. i don't have money. you have money. i have bunting. let's trade!
just kidding. not really. in all seriousness, i am trying to sell a couple of these cute little suckers so i can put the money towards my packaging and building up my supply so i can have a nice shiny store when it comes time for the grand opening. so, here are a couple premade paper bunting(s?) that i made recently. if you are interested in one please email me. i also take custom orders.
"smitten" bunting - fifty five dollars
"dwell" bunting - forty five dollars
"tiny" bunting - forty dollars
also, my brother is turning 18 in a couple days and this is his senior year in high school and i really want to get him a camera. the money would also go towards that.
shhh. don't tell him.